Visiting Nurse Association & Blue Water Hospice – Brick by Brick We Remember You
Hosted by Fundraising Brick
Brick by Brick We Remember You
Through the Visiting Nurse Association and Blue Water Hospice Buy – a – Brick Program, you can be a part of an enduring piece of our new “Brick By Brick We Remember You” landscaping project at the Blue Water Hospice Home in Marysville.
For just $150 or $250, you can write a message to be laser engraved on one of the bricks paving the Brick By Brick Remember You landscaping project. Bricks can be purchased in memory of anyone, regardless of whether or not the Blue Water Hospice Home was used for their care. Bricks can also be purchased as a tribute to friends, family and special caregivers.
We are offering two sizes of bricks for our brick fundraising project. You can purchase either a 4” x 8” laser engraved brick or an 8” x 8” laser engraved brick.
The Brick By Brick We Remember You landscaping project will place bricks around the beautiful garden paths at the Blue Water Hospice Home. The path surrounds the hospice home and a pond that is abundant with wildlife all year long. Patients, their family members and friends and members of the community all enjoy the walking path throughout the year so your commemorative brick will be enjoyed by many for years to come.
Additionally, the monies raised by the brick project will be reinvested into the Blue Water Hospice Home and will go toward capital improvements and maintenance so that it can continue to serve families throughout our community in stellar condition.
Recognize a special person in your life. Honor a casual effort. Commemorate a special occasion – the possibilities are endless.
Your thoughtfulness and generosity in support of the Blue Water Hospice Home is greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
For more information regarding our engraved brick campaign, please contact Jody Lincoln at
Purchase a brick through the Visiting Nurse Association and Blue Water Hospice. The donor bricks will be laser engraved, which means they last a lifetime as a reminder that you care about a personal achievement or occasion. They’re a great opportunity for any occasion and are sure to make a difference in your community, or honor that special person. Our commemorative bricks are a great option for any fundraising effort or gift idea. Engrave a brick in your name or the name of a loved one; honor a soldier or veteran; honor a firefighter or police officer; in memory of a special person in your life; honor a teacher or student; recognize your school or church; mark a special date in your life (graduation, birthday, baptism, communion, anniversary, or wedding), the possibilities are endless. Don’t miss out and donate to the Visiting Nurse Association and Blue Water Hospice brick fundraiser today!