Cass County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Memorial Brick Campaign2025-01-15T12:02:20-05:00

Cass County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Memorial

Hosted by Fundraising Brick

Engraved Brick Order Deadline: April 1, 2025

For additional information regarding our engraved brick campaign please email


The Cass County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Memorial will be a memorial for those Deputies who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for the citizens of Cass County, Missouri. In addition to the standing memorial honoring those Deputies lost in the line of duty, a memorial walkway will be laid with bricks around the memorial. The Sheriff’s Office is offering the opportunity for employees of the Sheriff’s Office and the general public to purchase bricks to honor and remember their loved ones who have served at the Sheriff’s Office and donors to show their support for the memorial. The cost of the bricks is being used to help fund this memorial project.

To begin, complete the required fields indicated by the *, then enter your inscription and click on the next button at the bottom of the form. You will then be directed to the confirmation page to confirm your inscription. After you have confirmed your inscription, click the submit form button at the bottom right of the page. Please enter the text exactly as you want it to appear on the brick.  You do not need to center the text; the laser software will automatically center the inscription. If you would like to order more than one brick, you will need to fill out a new order form for each additional brick that you would like to order.