Florence High School Softball/Baseball Construction Fund Brick Campaign
Hosted by Fundraising Brick
The Florence High School Softball and Baseball teams are raising funds to build an indoor hitting facility.
This new facility will provide our student athletes the ability to practice no matter what the weather outside is doing.
All current and former students, players, friends, families, parents, administrators, and community leaders, are invited to help our student athletes reach their goal.
With the purchase of a personalized, engraved brick, your Eagle Pride will be permanently and prominently displayed at the FHS Baseball\Softball Complex.
Your purchase will not only become a permanent part of FHS but it will help to support our student athletes for years to come.
For questions regarding our engraved brick campaign, please contact Curtis Broadwater at curtislbroadwater@gmail.com.
Donate to Florence High School Softball and Baseball today. Be the type of person who lends a hand when needed. Strong communities depend on generous people just like you stepping up when needed.
You’ll receive recognition for your charitable gift to Florence High School, no matter how small your gift is. That’s the magic of Fundraising Brick campaigns—by nature, they’re focused on donor recognition, while still reaching the organization’s fundraising goals.
We’ve been doing this—raising money for worthy causes—more than 20 years, and we’re constantly amazed by the ability of communities to come together, raising the necessary funds to meet—or exceed—an organization’s goals.
Fundraising Brick also offers many benefits to its partner organizations—price match guarantees, lifetime warranties and 24/7 customer service. We even offer personalized marketing materials and a campaign page just like this one.
Would you like to partner with Fundraising Brick for a personal or professional fundraising project of your own? Contact us today!